Leadership over Dominance

Technique over Hardware

Management over Discipline

Leverage over Strength

Cooperation over Confrontation

Science over Tradition
Great thanks to you Ian for helping Rainbow of Hope Animal Rescue help others to keep their dogs in the family! So many people call us wanting to re-home their animal, often because it has a behavioral issue. Ian has come to the rescue of many of these dog owners with a goal of helping them learn how to better manage their dog’s behaviors and make those dogs once again a welcome and integral part of the family again, saving them from being surrendered into the shelter system! Ian goes beyond the “party tricks” like “sit”, “stay” and “come.” He focuses on teaching the human owners how to read their dog’s behavior and helps them to understand that really, their dogs really want to please but are looking for direction and leadership! Who would have thought that the Southern Tier truly has its very own Dog Whisperer? The best part is that he does this all using only positive reinforcement and techniques. No prong collars! No choke collars! But corrections that a dog understands, without teaching or introducing counter-productive fear or mistrust into the dog/owner relationships! And no matter when we call—Ian has been there to help us and our clients! Thank you Ian for all of the help you have given our rescue clients! I don’t think there is a dog (or owner) out there you couldn’t fix! We couldn’t do it without you!
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