When used correctly, the NRM is a precision tool for pinpointing a mistake. This gives the dog feedback so they can self-correct as we work. Initially, it functions as a form of Negative Punishment; that is to say that the dog understands that accessing a reward is not possible with their current action. However, as the dog becomes more fluent in it and becomes conditioned to it, it begins to function as a Positive Punishment, which is to say it is something we apply to the dog when they fail to do a behavior. At this point it becomes a Conditioned Punisher (CP) and may even become an aversive experience. For this reason, the NRM should be used sparingly in the early stages of training, and it should always be used with a neutral tone and volume. At Simpawtico, the NRM we teach is “Nope.”
When used properly, the NRM is a scalpel for trimming the fat off of a behavior in the advanced stages of practice.
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