
Since we believe whole-heartedly in our mission, we’ve made a good deal of our class handouts available, in addition to other resources we’ve compiled from all over (with kind permission from the authors to distribute!). Take what you need of these free downloads and don’t forget to check our learning center for even more training tips, thoughts, and resources.

Puppy eBooks

Written by Dr. Ian Dunbar, world-renowned behavioralist, veterinarian, trainer, and co-founder of the APDT, these two eBooks are ESSENTIAL reading for puppy owners. I use them as textbooks in my Puppy Classes and I recommend them to anyone who is getting a puppy or has just gotten one.

Printable Handouts

Our 3-page outline for productively resolving puppy biting. This is the companion to our video post on puppy biting. (70kb, PDF)
Simpawtico Dog Training’s official statement on why we don’t use or recommend head halters (1.4mb, PDF)
Simpawtico Dog Training’s official statement on why we don’t use or recommend prong collars and choke chains (1.1mb, PDF)
Our 15-page pracitcal guide on all the steps for teaching your dog to come when called (1.5 mb, PDF)
A primer for getting this common conundrum under control (3.8mb, PDF)
Our quick guide to solving this deceptively simple problem (1mb, PDF)
An introduction to Station Training (platform training) and all of the useful things you can do with it! (1.8mb, PDF)
A super useful thing for your dog to know around the house (1mb, PDF)
Several points to consider, powerful tips, and a five-point plan for integration! (89kb, PDF)
Our run-down of Classical Conditioning basics and how to implement them (8mb, PDF). If you want to dive a little deeper into this, we’ve got a detailed blog post on the subject as well.
Prepared by some of our Veterinary colleagues, this highly informational handout will help you understand the when, what, and how of using medication in behavioral modification. (4.9mb, PDF). Take a look at our blog post about medications for more info.
A guide to desensitizing your dog to being handled and touched (739kb, PDF)
Based on our video article, here are several easy tips to get you started with canine enrichment (1.6mb, PDF)
Over the top energy? Learn how to train an off-switch for it (994kb, PDF)
Strategic petting to maximize positive reinforcement. This is a core component in our system (1.1mb, PDF)
If you’ve got a dog full of rocket fuel, this is a great way to burn some of that off! This PDF is from our blog post on Flirt Poles. (1mb, PDF)
Probably the three most popular tricks that people teach their dogs! It’s super easy to do with this step-by-step method. (1.6mb, PDF)
These fun diversions are a good way to help a dog get comfortable in the supine position for the vet, for assessments at home, or just to look cute! (684kb, PDF)
Here’s our quick-starter for this tough (and sometimes scary) nut to crack (754kb, PDF)
Commonly called “Coprophagia.” Get help for this gross dilemma! (668kb, PDF)
The Barking Training Tracker is featured in our “Barking Decoded” eBook. This chart will help you identify organize the kind of work you need to do (808kb, PDF).
Puppies need a lot of structure in their lives! The Puppy Potty Training Tracker—featured in our “Potty Training Decoded” eBook—for will not only allow you to move your progress forward, but give you an outline for organizing your puppy’s day (80kb, PDF).
For adolescent and adult dogs—e.g. from a shelter or rescue, or just one you’ve always had that’s regressed—we’ve created a less detailed tracker for you to use. These dogs don’t need all the small details that puppies do, but you can absolutely use the principles in the book along with this tracker to batten down the hatches! This one also comes from our “Potty Training Decoded” eBook. (82kb, PDF)

Are you ready to start training with SIMPAWTICO?

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